This year we are going to the Metaverse again! So you can tune in from home, listen to some sessions, chat with sponsors and much more!


open: 26.01 from 9:00 am
closes: 29.01 from 12:00

Dial-in code


Join AltSpace

  1. AltspaceVR: Home – AltspaceVR (
  2. Create or dial in account with Microsoft account
  3. Create avatar
  4. Download AltSpace application via Microsoft Store or Stream
  5. On Events (Navigation in Web)
  6. Use event code to join


AltSpace will be discontinued

As of March 10, AltSpace will unfortunately be discontinued. However, we still have to rely on AltSpace, as Teams Mesh is not yet widely available to all users. We hope that for TeamsCommunityDay 2024 we will also be able to go to AltSpace with you via Teams.